Edi­tor’s No­tes

Who are the edi­tos?

Con­tent editing and pro­ofre­a­ding is pro­vi­ded by the Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py In­sti­tu­te (ATI) edi­to­ri­al team. The edi­to­ri­al team con­sists of

Syl­ke Ia­co­ne (Ger­ma­ny)
Lan­guages: Ger­man & Eng­lish

Alex­an­der Rose (Spain)
Lan­guages: Spa­nish & Eng­lish & Ger­man

Chris­tia­ne Thie­sen (Ger­ma­ny)
Lan­guages: Ger­man & Eng­lish

ZIEL-Ver­lag (re­pre­sen­ted by Alex Ferstl) pro­vi­des the tem­pla­tes, web­site and pu­bli­shing ex­per­ti­se as an ex­pe­ri­en­ced pu­bli­shing part­ner.

The goal should be,

  • as soon as pos­si­ble,
  • in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly,
  • in the na­tio­nal lan­guages
  • to ser­ve the to­pic “Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py” in a net­work.

In or­der to do ju­s­ti­ce to the net­wor­king and Eu­ro­pean idea, we lea­ve it up to the aut­hors in which lan­guage they would like to pu­blish.

Un­fort­u­na­te­ly, for re­asons of cost, no trans­la­ti­on work can be done.

To en­su­re the qua­li­ty in the dif­fe­rent lan­guages, the­re are vol­un­teer edi­tors in dif­fe­rent count­ries who are per­so­nal­ly known to us and en­joy our trust.

Coun­try edi­tors

The edi­tors from dif­fe­rent count­ries con­sist of per­so­na­li­ties who are con­nec­ted to the field of Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py, who are prac­ti­cal­ly, theo­re­ti­cal­ly and re­se­arch-wise in­vol­ved with the to­pic, who are per­so­nal­ly known to us and who en­joy the trust of the edi­tors.

What do the edi­tors do and what does this mean in con­cre­te terms?

  1. you are the first cont­act per­son for all ar­tic­les pu­blished from your coun­try.
  2. For this you are the coll­ec­tion point for ar­tic­les from your coun­try with your own e‑mail ad­dress (e.g. editors-​nl@​adventure-​therapy-​edition.​com (Hol­land) / editors-es@….(Spain)/ editors-be@…. Bel­gi­um) – no for­war­ding to pri­va­te mail ad­dres­ses pos­si­ble
  3. You are the cont­act point to the aut­hors in your coun­try.
  4. You pro­ofread the ar­tic­les in your na­tio­nal lan­guage (editing, pro­ofre­a­ding).
  5. You make sure that the ar­tic­les are writ­ten in the gi­ven tem­p­la­te and com­ply with the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons (of cour­se we sup­port if ne­ces­sa­ry 😉).
  6. When the ar­tic­les are re­a­dy for pu­bli­ca­ti­on, you cont­act the edi­to­ri­al team and send them to: editors@​adventure-​therapy-​edition.​com
  7. You will be in cont­act with the edi­to­ri­al team Syl­ke, Alex, Chris­tia­ne to make fur­ther ch­an­ges.
  8. The edi­tors send the fi­nal ver­si­on to the ZIEL Ver­lag and the ZIEL Ver­lag puts the ar­tic­le into the fi­nal PDF ver­si­on (the­re is no re­view of the con­tent).
  9. ZIEL Ver­lag sends the fi­nal ver­si­on back to the edi­tors as a PDF.
  10. The edi­tors send the fi­nal PDF ver­si­on back to you.
  11. You send the ar­tic­le back to the aut­hors as a PDF for a fi­nal check and ask for ap­pr­oval of the ar­tic­le by email.
  12. The aut­hors then send their ap­pr­oval back to you.
  13. You send the ap­pr­oval in­clu­ding the ori­gi­nal email from the aut­hors to the edi­tors: editors@​adventure-​therapy-​edition.​com
  14. Af­ter fi­nal re­view, the edi­tors send the ori­gi­nal re­lease of the aut­hors with the PDF back to the ZIEL pu­bli­shing house.
  15. THEN the ZIEL edi­tor pu­blishes the ar­tic­le on the web­site.
  16. The­re is a Next­cloud that you can ac­cess to coll­ect the ar­tic­les. Here you will also find an Ex­cel sheet with an over­view of ALL steps of the pro­cess

Edi­tors and pu­blishers net­wor­king

  • You take part in an on­line mee­ting, if pos­si­ble once a quar­ter, in which it will be de­ci­ded which ar­tic­les should go on­line (one par­ti­ci­pant per coun­try).
  • It would be nice if the coun­try edi­tors could meet face-to-face every 2 ye­ars at the “Gathe­ring Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py Europe/ GATE”.

This sounds more com­pli­ca­ted than it is, but you should know the over­all pro­cess. This is available in the in­di­vi­du­al steps as a PDF down­load.

For sci­en­ti­fic pa­pers (like doc­to­ral or mas­ter the­ses) the­re will be an ex­tra pro­ce­du­re. If you re­cei­ve any re­quests in your coun­try, plea­se for­ward them di­rect­ly to the edi­to­ri­al team. The­re will be a peer re­view pro­cess (dou­ble-blind). This is also ex­plai­ned on the page for aut­hors.

How do I be­co­me an edi­tor?

Time re­qui­red

The amount of work can ran­ge from a litt­le to a lot.

Me­ans: We lea­ve it up to the edi­tors how much time they want to and can in­vest. Of cour­se, we as­su­me that the edi­tors are cri­ti­cal-con­s­truc­ti­ve rea­ders of the ar­tic­les in the “Jour­nal Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py”. It is also im­portant to see on­es­elf as an am­bassa­dor of the to­pic in one’s own coun­try. In or­der to re­cei­ve ar­tic­les, it would be hel­pful if you would spread the idea of the “Jour­nal” in your coun­try.

We are al­ways plea­sed about co­ope­ra­ti­ons, cri­ti­cal comm­ents, sug­ges­ti­ons, im­pul­ses and a bene­vo­lent ba­sic at­ti­tu­de 😉


You would be the li­ai­son for your coun­try for pu­bli­ca­ti­ons in the “Jour­nal Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py”. What is pu­blished the­re, first goes th­rough your desk. This way, tog­e­ther with the edi­tors, you will have an over­view 10ort h de­ve­lo­p­ments and hap­pe­nings in your coun­try. This can mean that you be­co­me a key fi­gu­re 10ort he re­le­vant net­works.

The „Jour­nal Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py“ is run on a non-pro­fit ba­sis by all in­vol­ved. If ever­y­thing goes well, we can talk about com­pen­sa­ti­on at some point. But even then, the­re can and pro­ba­b­ly will never be a se­rious mo­ne­ta­ry re­ward 10ort he work you do as an edi­tor. Here we are very rea­li­stic and ex­pe­ri­en­ced.

We would be hap­py if 1–2 com­mit­ted peo­p­le from each coun­try would be available as edi­tors, who also see them­sel­ves as am­bassa­dors for Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py.