Pu­bli­ca­ti­on Ethics

“jour­nal | ad­ven­ture the­ra­py” seeks to ad­van­ce and dis­se­mi­na­te know­ledge and un­der­stan­ding. As edi­tors we hold a neu­tral po­si­ti­on on is­sues trea­ted wi­thin its pu­bli­ca­ti­ons.

Pu­bli­ca­ti­on Ethics for Jour­nal Aut­hors

Aut­hors should de­cla­re that all work in their sub­mit­ted pie­ce is ori­gi­nal, and cite con­tent from other sources ap­pro­pria­te­ly to avo­id pla­gia­rism.

Aut­hors must en­su­re their con­tri­bu­ti­on does not con­tain any li­bell­ous mat­ter or in­f­rin­ge any co­py­right or other in­tellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights or any other rights of any third par­ty.

The lis­ting of aut­hors should ac­cu­ra­te­ly re­flect who car­ri­ed out the re­se­arch and wro­te the ar­tic­le, and the or­der of aut­hor­ship should be joint­ly de­ter­mi­ned by all of the co-aut­hors.

All aut­hors should be awa­re of the sub­mis­si­on of their pa­per to the jour­nal.

Aut­hors should en­su­re that their ma­nu­script as sub­mit­ted is not un­der con­side­ra­ti­on (or ac­cept­ed for pu­bli­ca­ti­on) el­se­whe­re. Whe­re sec­tions of the ma­nu­script over­lap with pu­blished or sub­mit­ted con­tent, this should be ack­now­led­ged and ci­ted.

Aut­hors should ob­tain per­mis­si­on to re­pro­du­ce any con­tent from third-par­ty sources (text and images). The source of fun­ding for a re­se­arch pro­ject should be lis­ted on all fun­ded re­se­arch pa­pers. Other sources of sup­port (in­clu­ding fun­ding for Open Ac­cess ar­tic­le pro­ces­sing char­ges) should also be cle­ar­ly iden­ti­fied in the ma­nu­script, ty­pi­cal­ly in an ack­now­led­ge­ment.

Aut­hors should de­cla­re any po­ten­ti­al con­flicts of in­te­rest re­la­ting to a spe­ci­fic ar­tic­le.

Aut­hors should in­form the edi­tor or pu­blisher if the­re is a si­gni­fi­cant er­ror in their pu­blished pie­ce, and work with the edi­tor to pu­blish an er­ra­tum, ad­den­dum or re­trac­tion whe­re ne­ces­sa­ry.

Aut­hors have the right to ap­peal edi­to­ri­al de­cis­i­ons.

Pu­bli­ca­ti­on Ethics for Jour­nal Ar­tic­le Re­view­ers

Re­view­ers should as­sist in im­pro­ving the qua­li­ty of a sub­mit­ted ar­tic­le by re­vie­w­ing the ma­nu­script with care, con­side­ra­ti­on and ob­jec­ti­vi­ty, in a ti­me­ly man­ner.

Re­view­ers should in­form the jour­nal edi­tor of any pu­blished or sub­mit­ted con­tent that is si­mi­lar to the ma­te­ri­al un­der re­view, or any su­spec­ted pla­gia­rism.

Re­view­ers should de­cla­re any po­ten­ti­al con­flicts of in­te­rest re­la­ting to a spe­ci­fic ar­tic­le or aut­hor.

Re­view­ers should re­spect the con­fi­den­tia­li­ty of any in­for­ma­ti­on or ma­te­ri­al sup­pli­ed du­ring the re­view pro­cess.

Pu­bli­ca­ti­on Ethics for Guest Jour­nal Edi­tors

Guest edi­tors should be ac­coun­ta­ble for ever­y­thing pu­blished in their guest jour­nal: this in­cludes ha­ving me­a­su­res in place to as­sess the qua­li­ty of the ma­te­ri­al they ac­cept for the jour­nal and a wil­ling­ness to pu­blish cor­rec­tions and cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­ons when re­qui­red.

Guest edi­tors should act in a fair and ba­lan­ced way when car­ry­ing out their du­ties, wi­t­hout dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on on grounds of gen­der, eth­ni­ci­ty, se­xu­al ori­en­ta­ti­on, or re­li­gious or po­li­ti­cal be­liefs.

Edi­tors should pro­vi­de gui­dance to aut­hors and re­view­ers on ever­y­thing that is ex­pec­ted of them.

Peer Re­view

Guest edi­tors should make de­cis­i­ons on which ar­tic­les to pu­blish ba­sed on qua­li­ty and sui­ta­bi­li­ty for the jour­nal and wi­t­hout in­ter­fe­rence from the jour­nal owner/publisher.