Pay­ment Me­thods

We of­fer the fol­lo­wing pay­ment me­thods. Sim­ply choo­se the pay­ment me­thod that is best for you. The ship­ping cos­ts are in­de­pen­dent of the pay­ment me­thod cho­sen. The pri­ces lis­ted in the re­spec­ti­ve of­fers re­pre­sent fi­nal pri­ces. They in­clude all pri­ce com­pon­ents in­clu­ding any ap­pli­ca­ble ta­xes such as VAT. Only in the case of cross-bor­der de­li­very, ad­di­tio­nal ta­xes (e.g. in the case of an in­tra-com­mu­ni­ty purcha­se) and/or du­ties (e.g. cus­toms du­ties) may have to be paid by you in in­di­vi­du­al ca­ses, but not to the sel­ler, but to the re­spon­si­ble cus­toms or tax aut­ho­ri­ties the­re. The de­li­very and ship­ping cos­ts in­cur­red are not in­cluded in the purcha­se pri­ce; they can be ac­ces­sed via the “Ship­ping cos­ts” page, are shown se­pa­ra­te­ly du­ring the or­de­ring pro­cess and are to be bor­ne by you ad­di­tio­nal­ly.


Sim­ply or­der and you will re­cei­ve an in­voice from us upon de­li­very. Plea­se pay this into the ac­count spe­ci­fied the­re.