Mas­ter and doc­to­ral the­ses

Un­der the hea­ding “Master’s The­ses” you will find master’s the­ses re­com­men­ded by pro­fes­sors, which were writ­ten in dif­fe­rent fa­cul­ties in Eu­ro­pe.

The doc­to­ral and mas­ter the­ses which are pu­blished here have a let­ter of re­com­men­da­ti­on from the doc­to­ral su­per­vi­sor or the su­per­vi­sing pro­fes­sor.

Plea­se note that the con­tri­bu­ti­ons un­der­go a sci­en­ti­fic peer-re­view pro­cess (dou­ble-blind). This me­ans that af­ter re­ceipt of the con­tri­bu­ti­ons, they will be che­cked by the edi­to­ri­al of­fice and put into the peer re­view pro­cess. This pro­cess ta­kes at least two months. Send your contributions/suggestions di­rect­ly to the cont­act per­sons men­tio­ned.

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