Midd­le grounds for har­ve­s­t­ing crea­ti­vi­ty th­rough ad­ven­ture, na­tu­re and art ma­king.


Authors: Marjorie Lavoie


This work­shop of­fe­red op­por­tu­ni­ty to prac­ti­ce en­ri­ching the­ra­peu­tic tech­ni­ques th­rough the use of in­ten­tio­nal ex­pe­ri­en­ti­al me­tho­do­lo­gy. Theo­re­ti­cal back­ground, ra­tio­na­le, and case stu­dies an­cho­red the ex­pe­ri­en­ti­al lear­ning with cli­ni­cal pur­po­se, ali­gnment of na­tu­re-ba­sed and ad­ven­ture-ba­sed ex­pe­ri­en­ces with cli­ni­cal case con­cep­tua­liza­ti­on, and in­te­gra­ti­on in-the-mo­ment as­sess­ment into the the­ra­peu­tic ses­si­on.

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