Ad­ven­ture the­ra­py in Aotearoa/New Zea­land: A Com­mu­ni­ty of Prac­ti­ce


Authors: Helen Jeffery


This pa­per re­ports fin­dings from re­se­arch into ad­ven­ture the­ra­py prac­ti­ce in Ao­te­aroa New Zea­land. The way prac­ti­tio­ners have lear­ned their ad­ven­ture the­ra­py prac­ti­ce is ex­plo­red, and what they con­sider may be hel­pful to help the field flou­rish is iden­ti­fied. The fin­dings are dis­cus­sed th­rough lin­king to a Com­mu­ni­ty of Prac­ti­ce mo­del. In­ten­tio­nal de­ve­lo­p­ment of this mo­del in Aotearoa/New Zea­land is ad­vo­ca­ted with ju­s­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in terms of edu­ca­tio­nal theo­ry and the­se re­se­arch fin­dings. Gi­ven its ap­pli­ca­bi­li­ty to the de­ve­lo­p­ment aims of the in­ter­na­tio­nal ad­ven­ture the­ra­py com­mit­tee, con­side­ra­ti­on for use of a Com­mu­ni­ty of Prac­ti­ce mo­del for the in­ter­na­tio­nal ad­ven­ture the­ra­py com­mu­ni­ty is sug­gested.

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