Re-Ima­gi­ning In­iti­al Ses­si­ons in Out­door The­ra­py: Im­pli­ca­ti­ons for Host Lea­der­ship, So­lu­ti­on-Fo­cu­sed Prac­ti­ce, Coad­ven­tu­ring for Ch­an­ge, and What Works


Authors: Stephan Natynczuk & Will W. Dobud


The­ra­py par­ti­ci­pan­ts, or co-ad­ven­tu­r­ers as we pre­fer to use in out­door the­ra­py,
quick­ly de­ci­de whe­ther they will en­ga­ge co­ope­ra­tively, lea­ve, or pas­si­ve­ly re­main in the­ra­py. The in­iti­al ses­si­on is im­portant in set­ting the sce­ne for the work, in buil­ding a useful the­ra­peu­tic al­li­ance, and fa­ci­li­ta­ting a sche­me of work useful to the ch­an­ge coad­ven­tu­r­ers are see­king for them­sel­ves. This pre­sent ar­tic­le ex­ami­nes in­ter­na­tio­nal re­se­arch re­la­ting to first ses­si­on dro­pouts and im­pli­ca­ti­ons for in­cre­asing hope and ex­pec­tancy for cli­ents in out­door the­ra­py prac­ti­ces. So­lu­ti­on-fo­cu­sed prac­ti­ces, host lea­der­ship, and out­co­me re­se­arch are used to in­form an evi­den­ced frame­work for hos­ting in­iti­al mee­tings with po­ten­ti­al and fu­ture cli­ents. Im­pli­ca­ti­ons are pro­vi­ded to aid prac­ti­tio­ners in main­tai­ning th­ree points of cont­act ba­sed on Bordin’s (1979) ori­gi­nal con­cep­tua­liza­ti­on of the the­ra­peu­tic al­li­ance from in­iti­al mee­tings with co ad­ven­tu­r­ers.

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