Is Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py Evi­dence-Ba­sed?


Authors: Will Dobud


Uti­li­zing the Ame­ri­can Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Association’s de­fi­ni­ti­on of evi­dence-ba­sed prac­ti­ce, this pa­per ex­ami­nes best re­se­arch evi­dence sur­roun­ding psy­cho­the­ra­py out­co­mes to in­form a pro­gres­si­ve re­se­arch pro­gram for ad­ven­ture the­ra­py. The ar­tic­le con­trasts a me­di­cal mo­del and con­tex­tu­al mo­del for con­cep­tua­li­zing how ad­ven­ture the­ra­py works and ar­gues ad­ven­ture therapy’s ex­pe­ri­en­ti­al rou­tes pro­vi­de me­ans for mo­ving bey­ond more of the same re­se­arch. Im­pli­ca­ti­ons are pro­vi­ded for fur­ther re­se­arch, prac­ti­ce-ba­sed evi­dence, and bet­ter out­co­mes. Ad­ven­ture the­ra­py prac­ti­tio­ners are en­cou­ra­ged to build evi­dence of their own ef­fec­ti­ve­ness so as to ground their cli­ni­cal work in prac­ti­ce-ba­sed evi­dence.

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