The trans­fer in the spot­light – Ex­plo­ring how to ma­xi­mi­ze ef­forts for trans­fer­ring out­door the­ra­py ex­pe­ri­en­ces to the dai­ly life of cli­ents.


Authors: Lynn Van Hoof & Per Wijnands


It’s not easy for cli­ents to trans­fer what they have lear­ned du­ring an out­door the­ra­py ex­pe­ri­ence to their dai­ly li­ves. Cli­ents of­ten find it hard to re­tain all in­sights, ac­qui­red know­ledge and new be­ha­vi­oral pat­terns. The­r­e­fo­re, it is im­portant that prac­ti­tio­ners or the­ra­pists take the re­spon­si­bi­li­ty to con­scious­ly think about this aspect of “trans­fer” to make sure that cli­ents get the most out of their out­door the­ra­py ex­pe­ri­ence. when they go back to their fa­mi­li­ar con­text, whe­re they ea­si­ly get caught up in old rou­ti­nes. Du­ring a work­shop the aut­hors pro­vi­ded at the 9thIATC/3rd GATE Con­fe­rence in Nor­way in 2022, they col­la­bo­ra­ted with their group of par­ti­ci­pan­ts in or­der to find dif­fe­rent ways to shape the trans­fer. In this ar­tic­le they pro­po­se a theo­re­ti­cal frame­work in which 4 dif­fe­rent ca­te­go­ries of trans­fer are di­stin­gu­is­hed and in­clude some dis­cus­sion about the pos­si­bi­li­ties for an op­ti­mal trans­fer.

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