AVENTÚRATE: In­ter­ven­ción en sa­lud men­tal gra­ve usan­do Ter­a­pia a tra­vés de la aven­tura [Se­ve­re men­tal ill­ness and Ad­ven­ture the­ra­py]


Authors: Esther Martínez Roca, Román Rodríguez Sebastián & Alexander Rose


AVENTÚRATE is a co-ad­ju­vant psy­cho­so­cial re­ha­bi­li­ta­ti­on pro­gram for peo­p­le dia­gno­sed with chro­nic men­tal ill­ness ba­sed on Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py. The so­ci­al­ly re­spon­si­ble com­pa­ny Ter­a­pia Aven­tura de­si­gned this in­ter­ven­ti­on for the re­gio­nal re­ha­bi­li­ta­ti­on cen­ter PRISMA which is lo­ca­ted in Va­len­cia (Spain). AVENTÚRATE wel­co­mes a maxi-mum of 84 peo­p­le bet­ween 18 and 65 ye­ars of age, with a dia­gno­sis of se­ve­re men­tal ill­ness. It is ne­ces­sa­ry that they pre­sent a sta­ble psy­cho­lo­gi­cal sta­te and are not in a psych­ia­tric cri­sis si­tua­ti­on. The pro­ject ad­dres­ses psy­cho­so­cial aspects for pa­ti­ents who pre­sent de­te­rio­ra­ti­on in their psy­cho­so­cial func­tio­ning and in their com­mu­ni­ty in­te­gra­ti­on. It of­fers a spe­ci­fic space that, th­rough re­ha­bi­li­ta­ti­ve ac­ti­vi­ties, fa­ci­li­ta­tes the in­te­gra­ti­on of par­ti­ci­pan­ts into so­cie­ty while as­sis­ting and ori­en­ting their fa­mi­lies or guar­di­ans. Ad­ven­ture the­ra­py pro­grams are sup­port­ed by sci­en­ti­fic li­te­ra­tu­re and are fin­ding pro­mi­sing re­sults like an in­crease in in­ter­per­so­nal ef­fec­ti­ve­ness. The ac­ti­vi­ties en­cou­ra­ge so­cial en­ga­ge­ment while pro­mo­ting in­di­vi­du­al co­ping stra­te­gies. The use of ne­ar­by fa­ci­li­ties, re­sour­ces and na­tu­ral spaces has been pro­mo­ted, of­fe­ring al­ter­na­ti­ves to the usu­al work re­sour­ces and he­alth-ge­ne­ra­ting sports ac­ti­vi­ties. Po­si­ti­ve ch­an­ge is high-ligh­ted du­ring ses­si­ons and trans­fe­rence to re­flect on dai­ly life si­tua­tions which might be chal­len­ging for par­ti­ci­pan­ts is pur­sued. The pro­ject had a po­si­ti­ve im­pact on par­ti­ci­pan­ts in re­du­cing the im­pact cau­sed by the con­se­quen­ces of the pan­de­mic and pro­vi­ded tools in so­cial skills, self-care, emo­tio­nal ma­nage­ment, sup­port net­work and self-ef­fi­ca­cy. The ob­jec­ti­ves have been par­ti­al­ly or com­ple­te­ly achie­ved and spe­ci­fic needs have been de­tec­ted for the con­ti­nui­ty of participant’s psy­cho­so­cial re­ha­bi­li­ta­ti­on. It is re­com­men­ded to con­ti­nue working on the de­ve­lo­p­ment of par­ti­ci­pan­ts’ au­to­no­my, as well as their ad­apt­a­ti­on and in­te­gra­ti­on in their lo­cal po­pu­la­ti­on. That me­ans in­cre­asing cont­act with na­tu­re, sport ac­ti­vi­ties and pro­mo­ting a strong and sup­port­i­ve net­work. Also con­ti­nuing working wi­thin and bet­ween fa­mi­lies. Quan­ti­ta­ti­ve re­se­arch was car­ri­ed out using dif­fe­rent men­tal he­alth me­a­su­re­ment tools and ATES sca­le. Sca­les have been used to me­a­su­re an­xie­ty, de­pres­si­ve sym­pto­ma­to­lo­gy and per­cei­ved so­cial sup­port.

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