CAVING: An Un­der­world Jour­ney Towards On­es­elf


Authors: Luk Peeters


This ar­tic­le ex­plo­res the pos­si­bi­li­ties, chal­lenges and pit­falls of uti­li­sing li­me­s­tone ca­ves wi­thin a psy­cho­the­ra­peu­tic in­tent. It fo­cu­ses on the uni­que cha­rac­te­ristics of that un­der­ground world and how tho­se fea­tures can be an im­portant ca­ta­lyst for hu­man growth and he­al­ing. It ana­ly­ses im­portant and spe­ci­fic is­sues to take into con­side­ra­ti­on in fa­ci­li­ta­ting this en­coun­ter and points out the im­pli­ca­ti­ons of what might look as me­re­ly prac­ti­cal is­sues.

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