Come Off the Moun­tain: Suc­cessful Tran­si­ti­ons Home


Authors: Bobbi Beale & Maurie Lung


While we all re­co­gni­ze the trans­for­ma­ti­ve power of wil­der­ness tre­at­ment, tho­se gains can be dif­fi­cult to main­tain in the home en­vi­ron­ment. Wil­der­ness pro­vi­ders may con­sider their work to be over, once the youth is sent home, but the lo­cal pro­vi­der doesn’t have the same powerful con­nec­tion with the youth. We sug­gest that the best per­son to as­sist with ge­ne­ra­li­zing the skills and in­sights to the home en­vi­ron­ment would be the wil­der­ness pro­vi­der. Of cour­se, they can’t tra­vel to each participant’s home for in per­son ses­si­ons! In or­der to con­ti­nue ser­vices with high-risk fa­mi­lies, we con­ver­ted our Fa­mi­ly Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py cur­ri­cu­lum to be de­li­ver­ed vir­tual­ly.
This work­shop in­tro­du­ced en­ga­ging, sta­bi­li­zing fa­mi­ly tre­at­ment ses­si­ons that can be im­ple­men­ted vir­tual­ly with props that are ge­ne­ral­ly available in anyone’s home. Each ses­si­on is de­si­gned to fo­cus on cri­ti­cal fa­mi­ly skill com­pon­ents and is sup­port­ed by ar­ti­cu­la­ted cur­ri­cu­lum and re­sour­ce vi­de­os to de­mons­tra­te the in­ter­ven­ti­ons.

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