Authors: Asiye Busra Sirin Ayva & Sophie Edwards
Today, nearly a third of children aged 2 to 15 are living with overweight or obesity (PHE, 2020). MoreLife UK delivers tailor-made, evidence-based and psychologically informed health improvement programmes to individuals and families. However, attendance rates at weight management programmes are an ongoing issue for children and young people and their families. This programme aims to help children living with obesity to pursue a healthy lifestyle while managing their weight. The programme is designed based on adventure therapy features and has ten weekly sessions to cover obesity-related topics, such as nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress via adventure ther-apy activities. There is also complementary parental intervention such as family webi-nars, online meetings, and digital programmes. The families are implementing healthy lifestyle changes in their lifestyle. Adventure therapy-based activities provide the nec-essary stimuli needed by children and help children remember and implement these changes.