The role of Na­tu­re in Na­tu­re Ba­sed The­ra­py: From the prac­ti­tio­ners per­spec­ti­ve in Ao­te­aroa New Zea­land


Authors: Amy Horn, Mairin Taylor & Chris North


This re­se­arch fur­ther ex­plo­res the na­tu­re-ba­sed the­ra­py mo­del from the practitioner’s per­spec­ti­ve in or­der to in­form and de­ve­lop un­der­stan­ding for prac­ti­tio­ners con­nec­ting with the na­tu­ral world as part of the­ra­peu­tic ser­vices This qua­li­ta­ti­ve stu­dy was con­duc­ted in Ao­te­aroa New Zea­land. Five prac­ti­tio­ners trai­ned in coun­sel­ling, psy­cho­the­ra­py or so­cial work, working in one-on-one coun­sel­ling con­texts in na­tu­re were in­ter­view­ed using an In­ter­pre­ti­ve De­scrip­ti­on Me­tho­do­lo­gy. The­ma­tic ana­ly­sis was used to ex­ami­ne the role that the na­tu­ral en­vi­ron­ment plays in the the­ra­peu­tic pro­cess. Four ma­jor the­mes are pre­sen­ted: Be­liefs about who or what na­tu­re is stron­gly in­fluence the role na­tu­re plays in the the­ra­py; Na­tu­re in­fluen­ces the re­la­ti­onship dy­na­mic bet­ween the the­ra­pist and the cli­ent; Na­tu­re is a di­rect sup­port to the the­ra­pist, and; Na­tu­re leads the cli­ent di­rect­ly and makes the the­ra­py mul­ti-di­men­sio­nal.

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