SUPERA’T * An ad­ven­ture the­ra­py sel­ec­ti­ve and in­di­ca­ted drug pre­ven­ti­on pro­gram for ado­le­s­cents in Spain


Author: Alexander Rose


This pa­per aims to ex­plo­re an in­no­va­ti­ve sel­ec­ti­ve and in­di­ca­ted ad­dic­tion pre­ven­ti­on pro­gram, car­ri­ed out sin­ce 2016 in the pro­vin­ce of Va­len­cia (Spain). The pro­gram is im­ple­men­ted by Ter­a­pia Aven­tura, and fi­nan­ced by the re­gio­nal go­vern­ment. The pro­gram lasts 10 weekly ses­si­ons of 2 hours and up to 3 fa­mi­ly ses­si­ons. It is de­si­gned for ado­le­s­cents who have spe­ci­fic fac­tors that put them at in­creased risk of drug use and/or are have al­re­a­dy star­ted using drugs, most­ly al­co­hol and can­na­bis. Re­se­arch shows an in­crease in mo­ti­va­ti­on, ad­he­rence to the pro­gram and rap­port to the the­ra­pists; awa­re­ness of the risks of using drugs and em­power­ment of the par­ti­ci­pan­ts in de­cis­i­on-ma­king and per­so­nal goals. Quan­ti­ta­ti­ve data shows a slight de­crease in the le­vel of can­na­bis con­sump­ti­on.

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