Sys­te­mic Ac­tion-Ori­en­ted Group The­ra­py with Child­ren and Ado­le­s­cents in Na­tu­re


Author: Paul Hemmelmayr


The ar­tic­le de­scri­bes the ef­fects of sys­te­mic ac­tion-ori­en­ted group the­ra­py in na­tu­re in the psy­cho­the­ra­peu­tic tre­at­ment of child­ren and ado­le­s­cents (n=66) with se­rious pro­blems in their so­cial be­ha­vi­or. The­se in­clude vio­lent be­ha­vi­or, mob­bing ex­pe­ri­en­ces, th­rea­ten­ed ex­clu­si­on from school, so­cial an­xie­ty or dif­fi­cul­ties in con­nec­ting with peers. Sel­ec­ted quan­ti­ta­ti­ve-em­pi­ri­cal re­se­arch re­sults are pre­sen­ted. The cen­tral ques­ti­on of the stu­dy was, whe­ther sys­te­mic-ac­tion-ori­en­ted group the­ra­py a) ch­an­ges the com­pe­tence as­sess­ment as well as b) the psy­chic sym­pto­ma­to­lo­gy and c) what are the con­nec­tions bet­ween a ch­an­ged com­pe­tence as­sess­ment and a ch­an­ged psy­chic sym­pto­ma­to­lo­gy. An ana­log­ous com­pe­tence as­sess­ment pro­ce­du­re was de­ve­lo­ped for this pur­po­se. The psy­chic sym­ptoms were me­a­su­red with the Child Be­ha­vi­or Check­list (CBCL) and the Youth Self-Re­port (YSR) at th­ree time-points.

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