Ad­ven­ture the­ra­py ef­fects on self-con­cept


Authors: Corinna Fleischer, M.Sc. Psych.


Self-con­cept ch­an­ge has been pro­po­sed as a key dri­ver of be­ha­vi­oral ch­an­ge th­rough ad-ven­ture the­ra­py. Th­rough ex­plo­ra­to­ry mo­de­ra­tor ana­ly­sis we tried to iden­ti­fy pro­cess va­ria­bles that in­fluence the ef­fect of ad­ven­ture the­ra­py on self-con­cept to con­tri­bu­te to a deeper un­der­stan­ding of why and when ad­ven­ture the­ra­py works. This meta-ana­ly­sis in-cludes thir­ty stu­dies that re­port ef­fects of ad­ven­ture the­ra­py pro­grams on th­ree aspects of self-con­cept: lo­cus of con­trol, self-ef­fi­ca­cy, and self-es­teem. Short-term ef­fect si­zes of the im­pact of ad­ven­ture the­ra­py on self-con­cept were mo­de­ra­te. The reve­a­led high het-ero­gen­ei­ty of ef­fect si­zes could not be ex­plai­ned by any of the ex­ami­ned mo­de­ra­ting vari-ab­les. The fol­low-up ef­fects con­firm­ed a las­ting self-con­cept ch­an­ge. Li­mi­ta­ti­ons and al-ter­na­ti­ve ex­pl­ana­ti­ons of the re­sults are dis­cus­sed. Fu­ture re­se­arch needs to fo­cus on psy­cho­lo­gi­cal pro­ces­ses in­vol­ved in ad­ven­ture the­ra­py and stri­ve towards high me­tho­do-lo­gi­cal qua­li­ty.

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