Buil­ding a re­la­ti­onship with the more-than-hu­man world


Authors: Chris Beeman & Sean Blenkinsop


In this pa­per, which is re­la­ted to a lar­ger pro­ject, we in­ves­ti­ga­te one of five pro­fes­sio­nal­ly-ori­en­ted re­asons we have iden­ti­fied for why we spend time out­doors. This re­ason is the buil­ding of a re­la­ti­onship with the na­tu­ral world. We look into what a ma­tu­re re­la­ti­onship with the world might look like. A phi­lo­so­phi­cal me­tho­do­lo­gy is em­ploy­ed, in­clu­ding re­fer-ence to In­di­ge­nous theo­ries of know­ledge. An ex­pe­ri­ence pre­sen­ted at the 9IATC con­fer-ence is no­ted, in which ne­ar­by rocks be­ca­me part­ners in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. A fi­nal pas­sa­ge con­nects the ex­pe­ri­ence to a la­ter long walk on the Mas­siv rou­te in sou­thern Nor­way, made by one of the aut­hors.

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