Is go­ing out al­ways “go­ing in”? Ex­plo­ring when and how phy­si­cal ac­ti­vi­ty in na­tu­re can enhan­ce the ex­pe­ri­en­ti­al qua­li­ties of the the­ra­peu­tic pro­cess.


Author: Lynn Van Hoof


We know that na­tu­re can have he­al­ing ef­fects on peo­p­le. But when and with whom is it ad­vi­sed to lea­ve our the­ra­py room and to go out­side? When can be­ing or mo­ving out­side also shift so­me­thing the­ra­peu­ti­cal­ly? Or when do we walk past all that is im­portant when wal­king with cli­ents? When can be­ing out­side ac­tual­ly help cli­ents to turn in­si­de? The­se are ques­ti­ons I will careful­ly try to find ans­wers to. The aim of the ar­tic­le is to crea­te a bet­ter un­der­stan­ding of the com­ple­xi­ty of wal­king and stan­ding still and to dig deeper into what si­gnals our cli­ents pro­vi­de us with, that tell us when phy­si­cal ac­ti­vi­ties or other ex­pe­ri­ments are ac­tual­ly hel­pful.

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